Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Nature Man

I dont know how many of you would have thought about this.Have you ever wondered how life would have been if there was no one to nurture and tune us into a person to be accepted as a part of the society??No protocols or no principles that one has to follow??And live a life as he/she wants??Hmmmm..Beats me!!Probably there would have been many groups of people having their own lifestyle.Not necessarily like those in the primitive era.But a more modified version of the tribal life..Cook food,eat,move from place to place,run like a mad person and do everything that he/she wants based on his/her instincts...Would be great!!Aint it??Hell no!!Now this is complete nonsense..Dont tell me that you could empathize with the previous few lines of this passage..

However in this period (our era), many philosophers, parents, schools, organisations would agree (nature+nurture) could do wonders for a person..In earlier days people used to think that the only way to succeed in life is to do nothing but and work.Phew!
1)Wonder which nerd came up with such an idea.
2)And why the hell did he/she have to spread this dumb so called theory to the world and expected everyone to follow it.

Now,the shift from this approach is known to all..Students are given time to relax,play,make a choice of their own(atleast in few cases)..The working people are given a break once in a while and so on in other cases also..By the way using the term 'nature' i meant the invidual's choice and not the literal meaning of nature..

For those who still dont understand what im trying to say..All that im asking for is,whether can anyone provide a perfect system,a perfect blend of nature and nurture that is by no means penetrateable..This system provided should be completely foolproof..It should suit all human beings and living creatures..

Anyone able to create such a system,i will fall down on my feet and worship that person as 'THE GOD'.


k.srikanth said...

Nice one !!! good question, but such a foolproof system is hypothetical i believe.
do blog more...

Pravin Dhas said...

But i feel atleast someone can try getting close it(the system i mean)..

Anonymous said...

Dude first welcome to the world of Blogging...
Good post to start..
I feel that even if you are goin to create a rule ,its every individual's wish or right(and at times fate) which makes s/he to oblige to them da..
So what would happen is that it may favour someone and may be against someone else.. So the creator would face praise as well as rebuke .. The reason is quite simple ..Not all are the same..So generalization is tough...

Keep writing your posts and thoughts..Great work..All the best man..

Pravin Dhas said...

Im talkin abt a system that is inclusive of all the features wrt all the human beings..And im not talkin abt a single procedure or sumthin..Even if the charateristics of each person differs from others it should be within the limits of the system...But i feel its worth trying to create such a system...