Sunday, October 7, 2007

Raoji The Boss2

As the bus was moving out of my college, my thoughts were getting more and more obscured.I still couldn't think of one damn good reason about why he screwed me in class.I didn't do anything to provoke him nor had i ever even talked to him before."Didn't he like my attitude?".."Didn't he like my appearance?".."Was he angry at me for not listening in class?".Gosh!!These thoughts just kept coming, but they led to nowhere.

Ok!Now,let me start from the first."When did i know him??".Hmmm..He was there in my bus right from first sem(No:23).Oh!!So then i thought that i must've done something that made him really hate me."Enna pannaen?"..Hmmm..Other than fighting with some of my friends(school kid's style) and kalaaichifying(he he) them, nothing worth getting offended or irritated of.In fact, there were others who did this more frequently than me.Later, i got down from my bus and was still clueless.Few months went by and i was still clueless.To be honest, even now i am clueless about that incident.

After a few years,we had the pleasure of meeting again in 7th sem.I was not expecting him to come into my life again,because i heard he was doing in M.E in our college.But nevertheless,my fate didn't seem to spare me.Actually, nothing really special happened in that semester.Other guys were mostly busy with symposium work(that was the time even the padips started bunking classes).Obviously Rao didn't like this bunking stuff so he started saying that "symposium is just a waste of time","you can do programming in this time","make use of the lab in free time"...As usual no one gave a damn about him.Then i started thinking,"Ivan edho eppo paathalum padichitu irukira maadhiri overa scene a podran".If he is so brainy,our HOD(Ex-Aravindan) wouldn't have rejected his project and they wouldn't have argued about it,which ended in Rao storming out of the HOD's room abusing him(which was a treat for me to watch).So,i thought that he should either be a hypocrite or a crack.Finally,i was more than happy to find out that he was a crack.Yup!!A crack indeed!!

No normal person would laugh looking at two dogs mating (Source:Our immediate seniors).Preach everyone to study 24*7 and flunk in his M.E semester exams,do an OB project which of course any sensible person would reject.Show eccentric behaviour at times.If guys from my class would have noticed, he doesn't laugh when its necessary and doesn't show any normal reaction that one should.He also sight adichifies a girl in my bus who is probably half of his age.Every time she gets down, the look on his face says it all(LOL!!!).Heard he changed his internal marks in TOC sir's register for which he got caught and both were fired(Not sure about this though).

I feel these incidents make college days special.Though he scolded me and i felt bad at that time,looking back at these events now only makes me laugh!!!